Festival Musikaleidos 2019

The Festival opened on June 2 at the Aula Magna of the Archiepiscopal Seminary with the performance of “Il Piccolo Principe”, created by “Infanzia Lieta” Primary School in Cagliari. Music and theater combined to bring to life the masterpiece by Antoine Saint-Exupéry, a story that explores love and friendship in all their various forms.

The second event was the “Amor sacro e Amor profano” vocal and choral workshop, dedicated to the Hic et Nunc choir and open to listeners, led by Maestro Carlo Pavese, conductor of the “Coro Giovanile Italiano” and a very special guest! A three-day training session that culminated in a concert on the theme of love on the evening of June 16, held in the beautiful setting of the Sala dei Ritratti at Palazzo Siotto.

Also in June, a second vocal workshop took place, “Love Around the World”, dedicated to the “Multi Unum” choir, under the guidance of singer and educator Paola Tedde. The course concluded with an evening concert on June 23, with love-themed folk songs, at the Sala Cine Teatro Nanni Loy, in collaboration with the female choir “Cantigos” from Quartu Sant’Elena. The evening was framed by the non-profit organization “Donna Ceteris”, which works against violence against women, stalking, and domestic and social abuse.

Love for our land, the beauty of our traditions, and the harmony of folk singing were the focus of the concert “Amore ‘e coro”, held on the evening of July 13 in the stunning setting of the Sala Consiliare at Palazzo Viceregio, featuring two highly regarded guests: the male choir “Terra Mea”, conducted by Maestro Tiziana Puggioni, and the female choir “Eufonia”, conducted by Maestro Mauro Lisei.

On September 22, the closing celebration, a moment of fun: the “Amore che vieni, amore che vai” aperitif concert, performed by the choirs of our association, Hic et Nunc and Multi Unum. The evening of September 22, held at the Ghetto degli Ebrei, was dedicated to light music, particularly to the songwriter Fabrizio De Andrè, on the 20th anniversary of his passing.