Festival Musikaleidos 2022
“After focusing previous projects on light in its various facets, love, and nature, the 2022 edition of the Festival centered on water—an ever-present protagonist and a fundamental element for all existence, a resource to be valued, and a symbol of countless aspects of human life.
The Festival opened on June 5 at Palazzo Siotto with the children’s choir PiccolHic, which celebrated the theme of water in a choral concert titled ‘C’è una barca che va per il mare’.
On June 26, the event ‘As torrents in summer’ took place—a choral concert emphasizing the importance of environmental respect and water conservation. The concert, conducted by Maestri Luca Scaccabarozzi (a Lombard conductor, pianist, and singer) and Tobia Tuveri (artistic director of the Hic et Nunc Association), was held at the Contivecchi Salt Pans in Assemini, perfectly resonating with the festival’s central theme.
The Festival continued with the event ‘Tra il mare e il cielo’—a songwriting workshop with a final concert led by Cagliari-born artist Chiara Effe, winner of the 2018 De André Award.
Finally, on May 22, the event ‘Full Fathom Five’ took place at Palazzo Siotto in Cagliari, dedicated to works featuring texts by Shakespeare. The event featured the Hic et Nunc choir and singer Fabio Brundu, a student at the Cagliari Conservatory, accompanied on the piano by M° Antonio Luciani.”